Wolf hybrid puppies for sale
Wolf hybrid puppies for sale

wolf hybrid puppies for sale

When it comes to their legal status, the regulations are literally all over the map.


Those with wolfdogs are encouraged to vaccinate their animals, but to do so, they have to make a tough choice: lie to their veterinarian about the animal’s lineage or sign a waiver stating that they understand that the vaccine is being used “off-label” on a hybrid animal and thus cannot be relied upon to deliver full protection against rabies, and that their animal can be impounded and put down if it bites someone - a high-stakes gamble, and one for which could prove fatal for the wolfdog. Euthanasia is necessary, the USDA says, because the only reliable test for rabies requires an examination of the animal’s brain.

wolf hybrid puppies for sale

The USDA, which regulates veterinary medicines, does not extend approval for the use of the standard rabies vaccine with “hybrids” (the vaccine is approved for use in dogs, cats, ferrets, and horses).

wolf hybrid puppies for sale

So, a wolfdog who bites a person can be considered a rabies risk - even if they’ve been vaccinated. While the federal government officially sees them as domestic pets (and leaves their regulation to individual states and municipalities), they’re treated as wild animals when it comes to rabies. What’s more, there’s no approved rabies vaccination for wolfdogs. They’re permitted in some places, forbidden in others and are showing up on breed ban lists, along with Pits and other so-called “dangerous breeds.” Advocates of wolfdogs say they can be wonderful pets, while opponents argue that they’re unpredictable, untrainable, and inherently dangerous. Wolfdogs are perhaps the most misunderstood - and, many would argue, mismanaged - animals in America. Wolfdogs as PetsĪs with many things, the reality is not so simple. Buy a wolfdog, the thinking goes, and live out your Jack London fantasies, even if you’re in Akron rather than Anchorage. It’s both understandable and surprising that people want to take a bit of that wildness home in the shape of a wolf/dog mix - or “wolfdog” - which some consider to represent the best of both worlds: a dog’s friendly companionship paired with a wolf’s good looks and untamed nature. With their bigger brains, stronger muscles, and teeth and jaws many times more powerful than any dog’s, they’re also quite dangerous, capable of killing an elk, a moose, even a bison. For centuries, wolves - incredibly charismatic, highly social and extremely intelligent - have held a special place in our consciousness, starring in as many nightmares as they have in paintings and pop songs.

Wolf hybrid puppies for sale